My Sheddie: Ali Cameron The Monty

After the joys of shed week I have decded to bring back the My Sheddie part of shedblog, where we can get to know the sheddies a bit more, I will try and profile one interesting sheddie a week, The first one was a shed just added the other day, hope you enjoy.

If you would like to be featured in this slot, then let me know, you need to have built your shed yourself or had a major say in it’s build

Sheddies name

Ali Cameron
Shed name

The Monty

The Monty

Selfbuild or off the shelf shed?

Entirely self designed and mostly built. One mate knew how to drive a digger to level the undershed floor back into the slope. However the summerhouse is a standard product bought from our local timber yard suitably modified to sit on posts

Why have you got a shed? uses etc

1 Needed the space to store garden bitsa and old shed roof leaked and turned to sludge.
2 Enjoyed a raised vantage point so wanted a viewing platform
3 Summerhouse for entertainment of friends.
4 Great for watching wildlife in field below. It seems that birds and animals do not expect people to be above ground level so we become invisible.
5 High plqace for weather station guages
6 Another room for Avril to decorate.

How would you describe your shed?

The Monty is a two-story triple-function wooden viewing platform carrying a summerhouse for the view and with the support posts clad in and polycarbonate windows providing a secure and dry garden shed under the platform. In our garden space is at a premium.

The Monty is named after our much loved cat, who was killed before it was completed, but after we had watched him from the platform hunting in his favourite field.

Who are your shed inspirations?

None really; the shed was built and in use long before we discovered the shed community.

The summer house is of standard ‘log’ cabin construction being based on a kit, thus saving a lot of time. and the cost of specially made doors and windows. The timber cost about £2,000. The hand rails are decorative fence panels a tip from the timber suppliers which alone saved a couple of weeks and a lot of money.

The Monty is named after our much loved cat, who was killed before it was completed, but after we had watched him from the platform hunting in his favourite field.

Future Shed plans

For the shed – more plants – the rather plain rear view should be improved by the trellis being covered – a climbing rose is leading the charge. The undershed is being tailored to the tools stored within. In place of the original shed, stonework will arise, only to collapse to become our very own ruin.

How did you find out about our community?

A ‘Times’ article.

What word would you use to sum up Sheds


Ali has also taken the time to create a detailed insight into his build, on the next few pages.

By Andrew Wilcox

I love sheds Founder & judge of Shed of the year - Wilco writes mainly about sheds. About the blog Enter your shed into #shedoftheyear

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