Just Sheds 1,780 happy members

Ok I seem to shout about the number of potential sheddies putting there images up on Flickr every other 100 members but we are now at 1,780 members and in certain maths and universes this is a very important number. 🙂

This post is about happy people and sheds… look they are so happy in their shed antics! well most of them but I wish I could spend more of my time in the shed, maybe I would be a more smiley hairy person, instead of a grumpy hairy person….


Anyway get your shed photos on the group before we get to 1900 members as them it will implode into a mash of shed based shrapnel, maybe.

Did I ever tel you I love you sheddies and your shed photos… makes it all worthwhile x

By Andrew Wilcox

I love sheds Founder & judge of Shed of the year - Wilco writes mainly about sheds. About the blog Enter your shed into #shedoftheyear

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