Shed of the year Judge 2010 : Simon Greenish Bletchley Park Trust

I very happy to announce that Simon Greenish is going to be a shed of the year 2010 judge, you may not know him, but you will be aware of his important job – he is Director of the Bletchley Park Trust.

Simon Greenish

Of course Bletchley Park is our charity for Shed Week 2010 but more importantly the home of the some of the most important huts in shed history.

This is what Simon has to say about sheds and Bletchley Park and a little bit about him.

Being responsible for a site which contains a number of the World’s most historically important timber huts which are in reality just large sheds means I understand the nature of and value of this type of building.

In the last competition Hut 6 won the Hut categorie which was important to us as it was probably the most important historical building in the competition but also in the worst condition of all.

I have a garden shed which is my workshop and store and therefore probably the most important room of the house!

Simon has a Degree in Engineering Science from Durham University and is a Chartered Civil Engineer.

Simon has faced a number of great challenges in his three years at Bletchley Park including lack of funding, rotting buildings and a shortage of volunteer and staff resources.

Nevertheless, since he joined the museum, visitor numbers have risen by nearly 100%, it has enjoyed visits from some very high profile guests including, Stephen Fry, TRH The Prince of Wales and The Duchess of Cornwall and HRH The Duke of Kent and he has secured in excess of £2,000,000 of funding.

His interests include classical music, restoring old cars and history.

We welcome Simon and of course the whole of the Bletchley Park on board for Shed Week 2010, and if as sheddies we can play a small part towards the saving of this national treasure, then It will make my Shed year.

Lets hope we can inspire you to create sheds which will happily sit along with Hut 6 and the other ground breaking sheds of Bletchley.

Keep any eye on shedblog and twitter for an announcement nearer the time of Shed week 2010 involving the sheddies and Bletchley Park.

By Andrew Wilcox

I love sheds Founder & judge of Shed of the year - Wilco writes mainly about sheds. About the blog Enter your shed into #shedoftheyear


    1. @unclewilco I hope he is open minded about eco sheds, the last lot you had judging were a little too conventional.. Afraid of the dark side?

        1. @unclewilco When i wrote "Afraid of the dark side" it was as in my role as Jedi Shedi not as being a Satanist. Just to clear up any doubts.

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