Sheddie Murders, gets naked and swears at God

No not a normal day as a sheddie, but some of the things that happened last night when I went to see the Year of the Bear theater company’s production of Something’s Wrong with Abel at Chapter arts centre in Cardiff.


The performance was funny, scary and thought provoking, it revolved around a mad character who lived in his shed on an allotment (we all know someone like that ;)), he kept being distracted by voices be they aliens or angels, who after each act would make him do violent things in his shed with various tools.

One funny recurring event was he tried to rang up Jehovah on the phone but keep getting the menu selection.

The actor who played abel was as Mrs uncle wilco said “very fit” I assume it was because he kept jumping up on the shed roof 😉 , something I bet many sheddies wish they could do without getting breathless.

Btw the shed construction was excellent, and his use of powertools and an axe would make any sheddie jealous.

If you want a hour of escapism then Something’s Wrong with Abel is for you, I did not quite follow it all but enjoyed it.

As the flyer says Murder, Poetry, Lust, Power Tools & Rage, it delivered all those, the musical accompaniment was very good, reminded me or Julian Cope’esque rhythms.

Another thing of note was a nice pint of my latest favourite beer (Kingston Gold) in their makeshift bar (they are doing up the whole place)

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By Andrew Wilcox

I love sheds Founder & judge of Shed of the year - Wilco writes mainly about sheds. About the blog Enter your shed into #shedoftheyear

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