Resolutions for 2010 : Sheds figure

Everyone has resolutions and the majority don’t stick to them, is it too early to post them?

So I am going to have a largish list so I at least have half a chance.

  • Try and raise as much cash as we can for the Shed Week charity Bletchley Park (more on that soon)
  • Get more people to Share their unique sheds and those journeys creating those sheds (sorry had to get all xfactory on you) for Shed of the year
  • Feature more of those sheddies on the shedblog in the My Sheddie Spot (if you want to be featured let me know)
  • Redesign readersheds, been saying it for 4 years, but you never know it may get to “Web 1.5” soon.
  • Visit and meet more sheddies in the flesh like this and this
  • Drink less real ale but better quality ales from independent brewers and concentrate on writing about them instead of just pictures.
  • Brew my own shed beer (was supposed to be done for xmas, but a few months out) watch this space.
  • Take my camera with me as much as I can, mobile shots don’t do sheds/beer/dogs justice.
  • Develop more of my domain names and ideas so 2010 could be the year of me working from the shed instead of for the man (women in this case)
  • Cook more fish and home grown veg
  • Learn to play the ukulele like my hero Fin (ok maybe not)
  • Don’t believe the hype
  • ends

Anyway have a great NYE and see you all next year.!

By Andrew Wilcox

I love sheds Founder & judge of Shed of the year - Wilco writes mainly about sheds. About the blog Enter your shed into #shedoftheyear

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