Build your own eco-shed on the cheap

Over at the Telegraph Jean Vernon has a nice article about doing just that.

photo credit: euphro

It’s not often you get offered a free shed and when it happens you’d be mad to say no. So I said yes, paid a friend £20 diesel money to collect it in his van, and was amazed at the quality when it arrived. It needed a new roof, the felt had gone and the windows were broken, but it was a good solid tongue and groove timber shed. I was thrilled.

My husband Martin Mulchinock wrapped it in a tarpaulin and safely stashed it in the garden. Like many pending projects it remained there for several months. I needed a plan to leap-frog the shed to the top of the list. Plan A was to offer to do it myself, always a great ruse that ends up with most DIY projects completed in no time. But I knew that I couldn’t risk going it alone. So Plan B was hatched.

By Andrew Wilcox

I love sheds Founder & judge of Shed of the year - Wilco writes mainly about sheds. About the blog Enter your shed into #shedoftheyear

1 comment

  1. I see some very interesting articles on this website. Too bad that not many people are thinking about these things. It is very hard to change the way people think but I hope that you will manage to convince many people to live a 'greener' life.

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