Do you drink beverages in your shed? Win a I love sheds mug

Ok we are the last of the big spenders when its comes to marketing readersheds and shedblog.

So if you follow me on twitter and can guess the following “How many tweets have I made about sheds”, if you answer by replying to me on twitter with the hashtag #shedmug

You can win a mug, I will also fill it with Builders Tea tea bags so you can have a drink on me.

Ok you may see this as a way of getting more followers, but I see it as a experiment into how many of you are tempted to drink tea in your shed 😉

Rules: Only UK sheddies will get the mug stuffed with teabags, other countries will just get a mug, as Iam sure your import laws stop strong tea coming over the border or something.

Closing Date 8 March 2010

By Andrew Wilcox

I love sheds Founder & judge of Shed of the year - Wilco writes mainly about sheds. About the blog Enter your shed into #shedoftheyear

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