The Small Animal Hotel in Liverpoool

The Small Animal Hotel

The Small Animal Hotel - Victoria Corcoran and Craig Hailes
Victoria Corcoran and Craig Hailes
Back garden in Bowring Park, Liverpool

Our shed is in our back garden and it is our business. It is a large summerhouse with 4 windows down one side and a stable door, we also have a 2ft veranda. Our shed is called The Small Animal Hotelwe look after peoples small animals while they are away on holiday. We cater for small animals such as rabbits, guinea-pigs, hamsters, rats, birds, lizards etc. The hotel is fully heated and air conditioned, we have a radio on during the day for all the guests to listen to. We have 24 spaces available for small animals and there is an option to have a run attached to each hutch. We have photographs of all the animals that have stayed with us up on the walls inside.

By Andrew Wilcox

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