Debb’s Shed for International Shed Women’s Week

Sheddie Deborah Carr has written this guest post about her introduction to shedism for International Women’s Week, many thanks to her and Grumpy.

Until a couple of years ago I assumed that the only people who could possibly be interested in the inside of a shed would for some reason be male. When I announced to my husband that I needed my own space to write, but we couldn’t agree which room in the house I should have, he suggested the shed.

Now, although I can remove tiles from a bathroom wall as fast as the next person, or even wield a paintbrush, in fact I’ve also had a go at plastering, although I don’t think I want to admit to that disastrous attempt at DIY. However, apart from walking past the shed to the greenhouse, and even that was a rare occurrence, the thought of actually spending time in that spider-infested place really was not something I could see myself doing, willingly at least.

Rob asked me to give him a few days and in no time, the shed had been cleared out, painted and an old 1950s table and two chairs put inside. My paperwork – mountains of the stuff – soon followed, together with a laptop and then me.

So, almost every day, you’ll find me sitting at my desk tapping away on my laptop, with my Miniature Schnauzer snoring on his chair and the walls covered with photos, notes, old cards or pictures, each one meaning someone thing to me, or there to inspire me.

The windowsill holds, an old inkbottle, pieces of driftwood and shells collected from many walks on the beach with the dog, together with a fossil and colourful wasp catchers.

The shed was even a category winner in the Shed of the Year 2009 Competition, which was great fun, although it’s had a new coat of paint since then. Thankfully there’s a heater for when it’s cold and with the continuous low temperatures we’ve experienced this winter I’ve a feeling it’s going to be worn out very soon.

To view more images of the shed clicky here.

By Andrew Wilcox

I love sheds Founder & judge of Shed of the year - Wilco writes mainly about sheds. About the blog Enter your shed into #shedoftheyear


  1. Debs, your shed is perfectly beautiful! I'm turning green here and seriously wondering if my mother would let me build one at the end of her garden!
    My recent post T.G.I.F.

  2. Hi Deb,
    I haven't seen inside the shed before, only outside. It is so so beautiful, it's a hideaway with such warm timber walls and so cosy, I could sit there day after day. Unbelievable. 🙂

  3. You know I've had shed envy over your office for a couple of years now. Someday….
    I'm pleased that Divadog got a mention, he'd only be grumpy otherwise 🙂 For a change.

  4. I agree. Maybe we should all descend on Debs and Grumpy one afternoon. I love your shed!

  5. Every time I see your shed, I suffer from Shed Envy. As well as being such a practical solution, it looks so pretty too.

  6. What a great retreat you have, Debs–rounded out by the comforting sound of canine snores! And kudos to the hubs for helping you get the shed organized. It must be a great relief to have a place of your own to write and think away from the family bustle. And I love the idea that you've surrounded yourself with mementos of all kinds. Story ideas?

  7. I am so going to get me one of these!! It looks so cosy. Just need to dispose of the dusty old gym that has taken up residence in ours.

  8. Ahhh, your shed looks so pretty 🙂 I too had a shed in the garden where I used to work once upon a time – fond memories!

  9. What a charming idea, I'm surprised that more people aren't doing this! I'd love to see pictures of the inside too, to see how it's set up. I often think that I need my own quiet office space, and now you've got me thinking …

  10. I definitely had your original opinion of sheds before I saw yours – never knew they could look so beautiful. Can't even get into mine at the end of the garden, the ivy has claimed it!

  11. Fascinating to discover you've only been a sheddie for a couple of years. From your blog, I thought you were a veteran – or perhaps a couple of years IS a veteran in sheddie terms!

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