They start those sheddies young in Wales- Dylan’s Army Base Shed

Dylan (who is 4) is lucky enough to have had a great shed makeover for his birthday.

Dylan's Army Base Shed - Rob

I will let Dad rob explain.

Started as wendy house for my two daughters Caitlin and Bethan, which they loved when they were young.

As they both got older they used it less and less and it started to look a bit shaby.

My boy Dylan who is 4 in April really wanted something of his own in the garden.

He had two idea’s.

1 Make the wendy house look like the Millennium Falcon.

2 Turn it into an Army base.

I didn’t have enough wood to make the Falcon ( and the thruster’s are difficult to come by) so we opted for idea 2.


Can you shed Beat Dylan’s in the Shed of the year competition, why not share it.

By Andrew Wilcox

I love sheds Founder & judge of Shed of the year - Wilco writes mainly about sheds. About the blog Enter your shed into #shedoftheyear

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