Sheds costing over £1000 have rocketed this year

According the the telegrpah and ok if you can afford it (you shedworkers iam looking at you!)

or course if you Share your shed the top prize is £1000 thanks to Cuprinol Sprayable so basically your posh shed is nearly free 😉

While it is possible to buy a full-height garden shed for as little as little as £150, retailers have reported that sheds costing £1,000 or more have doubled over the last year.

B&Q said sales of its Tenbieight Shack Up, priced £1,149, had jumped by 550 per cent, while sales of its £1,299 Cannock summer cabin, complete with french windows, has quadrupled. In total, all of its sheds over £1,000 have at least doubled.

John Lewis has been so impressed by the demand for high-specification sheds it has started selling a new range of summer houses, some of which cost more than £11,000, and come not just with windows, but double-glazing and brass door fittings.

The need for extra living space, without building an extension or conservatory, has fuelled the trend, according to experts who said many of the sheds were being used to give teenage or grown up children space of their own.

By Andrew Wilcox

I love sheds Founder & judge of Shed of the year - Wilco writes mainly about sheds. About the blog Enter your shed into #shedoftheyear

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