Radio sheddie : Shed week & Cuprinol sprayable

and then the light went on
photo credit: TheGiantVermin

Today Iam in that London and I will be doing a day of radio interviews with the sponsors “Cuprinol sprayable” talking about shedweek, the sheddies and of course the wonderful sheds that you lot have shared for Shed of the year.

A lot of the radio stuff will be pre-recorded but there will be some live stuff as well – follow me on twitter and I will publish any info as I have it,s o you can listen in your region (if you want to that is)

So if you are near a radio (!) and want to hear a Welsh man trip over his words.

Hopefully I will be finished by 4pm on Friday so if any sheddies near Paddington station about 6pm and up for a pint from the head sheddie at the Mad Bishop and Bear, then contact me via that twitter.

By Andrew Wilcox

I love sheds Founder & judge of Shed of the year - Wilco writes mainly about sheds. About the blog Enter your shed into #shedoftheyear

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