Working 5 to 9 with Emma Jones, well you can from your shed

AS you may not know this shed stuff I do is in my spare time, what Iam not a fulltime sheddie, I hear you shout from the comfort of your deck chair in front of your shed working adobe.

Thanks to lovely Emma Jones (who is the brains behind there is a term for this sort of thing, it is called Working 5 to 9 , ie after you finish your day job you work on something better 😉

Anyway Emma has just got a book out profiling us 5 to 9ers and I am in there talking about readersheds, well its just a small bit, but it was nice to be asked to appear.

If you want to get inspiration from people more suitable than me then the book is worth getting.

How to start a successful business
in your spare time
by Emma Jones
A new book from best-selling author, Emma Jones, reveals that
over 5 million people are holding down a day job and building
a business at nights and weekends. Working 5 to 9 – how to
start a successful business in your spare time delves in to the
world of the part-time entrepreneur, offers 50 ideas for
businesses you can start on the side, and features 60 successful
5 to 9’ers alongside advice on sales, marketing, technology and
how to maintain a social life whilst working day, and night!

Click Here to buy Emma Jones 5 to 9 working now

“It was in late 2008 when I spotted a new angle to the
businesses we were profiling on Enterprise Nation” says
Emma, “people were still identifying gaps in the market or
turning a passion, hobby or skill into a way of making a living,
yet they were doing so at the end of their normal working
Motivated by fear of being made redundant or just a desire to
earn extra cash and unleash creative talent, 5 to 9’ers are
operating across the UK and across a range of sectors, from
fashion to farming, and magic to mobile applications.

Thanks to alex for introducing me to Enterprise nation and Emma, they are a great bunch, I would love to run my shed empire full time but at the moment it seems to work 5 till 9

You can also hear from Emma here.

By Andrew Wilcox

I love sheds Founder & judge of Shed of the year - Wilco writes mainly about sheds. About the blog Enter your shed into #shedoftheyear

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