Do you Love sheds, then Like us on facebook

I have been on facebook a while, but prefer twitter for my social wossnames, as that facebook takes up more time , there are some privacy issues and also the kids are on it.. 🙂 but I know a lot of sheddies use it.. So now you can Like readersheds on facebook, if the need arises.

I have also added a “Bookmark” on facebook link on all the sheds pages, so you can share your link to your friends, so they can vote..

Who says the general election was the first proper internet election, Shed of the year voting is the pure Social vote 🙂

Anyway this interweb is a fad, and next year I will probably visiting sheds* myself and putting stickers on them if I like them 😉

*may be a fib but I would love to take time out and visit the sheddies in the gardens & allotments of this great country, so if any you want me to visit your shed, just say and I will add it to my hit list (disclaimer, must be good real pub within 5 mins walk of your shed and I don’t like sleeping on sofas)

By Andrew Wilcox

I love sheds Founder & judge of Shed of the year - Wilco writes mainly about sheds. About the blog Enter your shed into #shedoftheyear

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