Chelsea : What a shed says about the gardener

Sheddie and journo Lila Das Gupta has a competition over at her blog to match sheds with garden designs from this years Chelsea you can win a copy of a certain shedworking book.

Picture Credit: Courtesy of Helen Fickling
Picture Credit: Courtesy of Helen Fickling

They say that behind every successful man there is a woman.

And behind every successful Chelsea Show Garden there is a shed. Some contain exotic items like rose-water and lime leaves, others are cluttered with boxes of disposable plastic shoe covers. (Chelsea judges don’t take kindly to messy footprints).

While the public sees only cool, calm, sophistication on Main Avenue, behind the scenes there is a makeshift world of shanty living. At the Chelsea Flower Show, the shed becomes a home-from-home for the garden designer – a womb-like structure to retreat to, where copious cups of tea are made.

By Andrew Wilcox

I love sheds Founder & judge of Shed of the year - Wilco writes mainly about sheds. About the blog Enter your shed into #shedoftheyear

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