Pre #shedweek Shed.TV all channels love the sheds #myshed

Alex shedworking gnu and Shed of the year judge will be on BBC breakfast tomorrow

The nice folk at  BBC Breakfast will be talking about the Shedworking book, garden offices and sheds in general at 6.50am, 7.50am and indeed 8.50am tomorrow (Wednesday). They’re also inviting viewers to submit their own sheds to their Flickr group, a selection of which I’m assuming will make it to the screen, and they’re using the Twitter hash tag of #myshed from now onwards. This will be a great buildup to the actual National Shed Week which starts on July 5

I have added the Category winners to the BBC group so hopefully they will get on the Telly

and Sheddie Tim of The TARDIS shed will be on GM.TV news
Granada reports and doing interview and weather live from Tims Tardis on teatime news.

By Andrew Wilcox

I love sheds Founder & judge of Shed of the year - Wilco writes mainly about sheds. About the blog Enter your shed into #shedoftheyear

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