Read all about it – Shed week happens tomorrow and it’s going to be a scorcher!

Some nice mentions of the Category Winners of Shed of the year in today’s papers.

The Independent talks about the rise of Lady sheddies.

The long march to equality has finally reached the back garden. Sheds are no longer a male preserve, according to new evidence that suggests women are tearing down felt roofs as quickly as they crack glass ceilings.

Nearly half of the sheds vying to become Shed of the Year, when the winner of a national competition is unveiled tomorrow, are owned by women, according to Andrew Wilcox , of “Sheds have always been masculine places, but the number of lady sheddies is increasing,” he said.

Sarah Beeny, the TV presenter and property developer who is helping to judge the competition, said: “Sheds are probably the last male domain that we’ve finally taken over. There’s nowhere for them to retreat now.”

Herald in Scotland mentions the Pub Shed Three Steps

ARE you planning to do something special in your shed this week?

Those fortunate enough to have a garden, and one complete with its own edifice, will surely already know that National Shed Week starts tomorrow.

To the uninitiated, this may seem like a lot of fuss about a few planks of wood, but the humble shed has a long, proud history in British culture and we shouldn’t grudge it a little celebration.

Predominantly a male domain, the shed of yesteryear provided manspace for a henpecked husband to gather his thoughts, smoke his pipe without complaint, avoid visitors and indulge in a spot of OCD, arranging his tools in alphabetical order, a kind of precursor to the age of album collections. They were the wooden sanctuaries that took the place of the privy when modern plumbing rendered that haven of peace and quiet obsolete.

If you see Shed Week mentioned in your local trumpet of truth, contact me

By Andrew Wilcox

I love sheds Founder & judge of Shed of the year - Wilco writes mainly about sheds. About the blog Enter your shed into #shedoftheyear

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