What exactly is shed week? and who are these sheddies I am hearing about.

Shed week or to give it it’s full title is “National Shed Week” is something I came up with to celebrate Sheds which although very popular in the UK were never given the full recognition they deserve beyond the allotment or your garden, Ok we have National Marine Week, National Bike Week, Welly Week & Chip week which are all worthy celebrations but nothing to celebrate the British institution that are Sheds.

Anything to bring the profile of the wonderful sheddie to the general public was long overdue, sheddie i.e. someone who owns, loves & may build their special piece of heaven down the bottom of the garden or on the allotment or even sheds by the sea.

It tied in perfectly with readersheds.co.uk my site that over the past nine years has promoted goodwill and harmony and just a little bit of harmless shed envy and these great sheds have inspired more people to become sheddies which can only be a good thing.

This year 2010 is the 4th annual shed week and we are lucky to have a sponsor in Cuprinol Sprayable, who not only protects the country’s sheds but have provide a grand prize of £1000 for this years Shed of the year, which of course is Reg and his wonderful Pirate themed shed won.

Reg shed

The previous Shed of the year winners are all special sheds and amazing sheddies 2009 Kite cabin , 2008 Rugby Pub Shed and 2007 Roman Temple shed

But of course all the sheddies and their sheds are unique and that’s what makes it brilliant, if you think you have a shed to match these then sign up to hear when entry is open for Shed of the year 2011.

What are you doing to celebrate shed week, well If I get half an hour, Iam popping down the local allotments and hope to take some photos of their sheds and you never now may get a cup of tea.

So sheddie get down the shed and do something this shed week.

By Andrew Wilcox

I love sheds Founder & judge of Shed of the year - Wilco writes mainly about sheds. About the blog Enter your shed into #shedoftheyear

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