Welcome Shed of the year judge 2011 – Sarah Beeny @sarahbeeny

Sarah Beeny - Shed of the year judge
Sarah Beeny - Shed of the year judge

I would love to thank Sarah Beeny for supporting Shed of the year and Shed week since it started.

Sarah has agreed to be a judge again for next years competition , which is great as it’s the 5th year we have run Shed of the year and Shed Week, and It’s Ten years since the my shed door opened and I started readersheds.co.uk so a celebration may be in order around July 4th 2011.

So I hope you welcome Beeny to the competition as she joins Radio 2’s Simon Mayo and Iam sure a few more sheddie judges over the next year.

Sarah set up her own property development and investment companies at the age of 24
along with her brother and partner (now husband). With her business a success, Sarah was
approached to be the presenter of Channel 4’s prime time show ‘Property Ladder’.
Enjoying the opportunity to bring property to the nation, Sarah has fronted many other shows
such as ‘Pay Off Your Mortgage’, ‘Streets Ahead’ and ‘Britain’s Best Home’, as well as being
a regular contributor to magazines such as Homebuyer, New Woman and At Home. Sarah
is a regular writer for The Sunday Times and has written several best selling books, as well
as writing a blog for Sainsbury’s Little Ones site.
Sarah has hosted at Grand Designs Live and the Ideal Home Show.
In 2005 Sarah created the online website, www.mysinglefriend.com it has been a
phenomenal success and changed the attitude to online dating in this country. This has
made her the national spokeswoman for dating in the noughties.
On the back of the success of MSF, Sarah has launched the property website
www.tepilo.com which aims to bring a change to the way we buy and sell houses.
Sarah will be appearing in her brand new Channel 4 series, Help My House is Falling Down!
in August 2010.

So potential sheddies get working on your shed and Share it over at www.readersheds.co.uk

By Andrew Wilcox

I love sheds Founder & judge of Shed of the year - Wilco writes mainly about sheds. About the blog Enter your shed into #shedoftheyear

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