My sheddie – @Documentally The Plotting Shed

I thought I would start up the Q&A for my sheddies again after ShedWeek.

So the first one is sheddie Documentally (Christian Payne ) who in his own words is a

“Social technologist. mobile media maker. vlogger. photographer. gun for hire. talking, teaching, documenting. ask me for a quote.”

And now he can add sheddie to that list!

I followed Christian on twitter a while back as he did some things with Bletchley Park and when he tweeted that he was getting a shed I pounced, and he got round to sharing his shed and then doing this Q & A.

The Plotting Shed owned by Documentally

Me in Scottevest fleece

Selfbuild or off the shelf shed?

It’s off the shelf with a few custom tweaks.

It was a birthday present for my Wife. I am not a keen gardener but I am a keen tinkerer. There will be modifications done to the shed before long.. Some including solar and a comms set up etc.

Why have you got a shed?

“It’s really for Garden storage.. hence the original name was going to be.. ‘Egarots Nedrag’

But sheds always start out with innocent intentions and then more sinister uses move in.

How would you describe your shed?

It looks normal on the outside but then so does the Tardis.”

Who are your shed inspirations?

Anyone who has taken the time to create the sacred space at the bottom of their garden.

Future Shed plans

More solar power, intercom, still.. and some secret stuff.

How did you find out about our community?


What word would you use to sum up Sheds


if you would like to be featured in this irregular spot then contact me.

By Andrew Wilcox

I love sheds Founder & judge of Shed of the year - Wilco writes mainly about sheds. About the blog Enter your shed into #shedoftheyear

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