Chiswick Camouflage Shed

When you are known on the interwebs as someone who likes the odd shed or two it’s great to get a referral from a acquaintance of an acquaintance, saying they know has this great shed, and when you get to the source it’s wonderful to see the creative side of sheddies.

Zoe Hewett is one of those creative lot.

The ‘Chiswick Camouflage’ Shed was actually a private commission for clients who had already been very pleased with items of furniture that I had reconditioned for them.

With my former career in scenic art & design (i’m now an interior designer/ decorator), they were very trusting and gave me quite a free reign to transform their brand new shed, because although it’s smart, it wasn’t inspirational.

They only asked me to do something to break it up in the line of vision, so it wasn’t a big box of wood anymore.

I found inspiration looking at a small mass-produced canvas that had been collaged with almost identical leaves, uniformly positioned in rows, and that was the starting point for the idea for camouflage. I researched leaf
shapes to use instead of recreating a military pattern, as that would have had a very different connotation, and painted it using Cuprinol woodstain.

I was pleasantly surprised by the range of colours they have available now, which is great as would have been 3 times the price to do in weathershield paint.

Now it disappears into the garden from a distance, and the owners were thrilled with it.

Categorized as Shed News

By Andrew Wilcox

I love sheds Founder & judge of Shed of the year - Wilco writes mainly about sheds. About the blog Enter your shed into #shedoftheyear

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