What you talking about wilco – now I can find things on readersheds.co.uk

The eagle eyed and sober amongst you may have noticed a change to the navigation bar over on readersheds.co.uk, it now has dropdowns yes we have finally entered the 20th century.

Basically its the start of a site redesign to make the site easier to use and make the all important sheds a bigger feature of the site.

Iam looking to do some of these things over the coming months.

  1. Featured bigger shed photos on the homepage
  2. Redevelopment of the shed backend – easier image upload, shed editing.
  3. General clean up of the shed pages.
  4. Comprehensive Shed  company directory in place of ShedRectory

Back to the navigation it now has the links to what I think will be of use to all sheddies.

  • We have links to the This years Shed of year and all the previous winners
  • All the sheds in each category’s at the touch of a button!
  • The latest shed news from the Shedblog
  • Quick links to people interested in buying sheds and a list of featured shed companies
  • Social Media links  (like Facebook and Twitter) and contact information

If it’s missing anything , then please contact me or comment below.

By Andrew Wilcox

I love sheds Founder & judge of Shed of the year - Wilco writes mainly about sheds. About the blog Enter your shed into #shedoftheyear

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