My sheddie : Andy & Workshopshed

Sheddie Andy has been a supporter of readersheds & shedblog for ages so its about time I featured him – he always tips me off on shed stories via twitter and is in the know about all things workshoppy – an asset to the community!

Sheddies name


Shed name



Selfbuild or off the shelf shed?

I believe it was a selfbuild but it was not me who made it as it was there when I moved into the house. Its timber framed with a double skinned wall and featherboard for cladding. Along one size is a row of deep cupboards with slatted fronts. Along the other side is a bench which I made last year.

Why have you got a shed? uses etc

The shed is used for making tools and models, recent projects include the flea chariot, a lino stamp and various feet, bezels and washers. I use it for fixing things from around the house and from other people’s houses and am currently restoring some old garden gates. It’s also used for storing things such as paint and garden tools such as spades and lawn mowers.

How would you describe your shed?

The workshopshed has good storage, excellent lighting and plenty of room for working. The green wooden planking blends into the bottom of the garden and the timber frame is well made and solid. The clear roof means that it’s a little cold in the winter and a little warm in the winter.

Who are your shed inspirations?

I’m not sure if Heath Robinson or Fred Dibnah were shed men so I’ll have to say Lyndon Yorke and anyone who makes things in their sheds. I’m also impressed by the hard work and ingenuity of the people working in the huts at Bletchley park during WWII.

Future Shed plans

The old windows on the shed have been boarded over with corrugated plastic which has perrished in the sunlight. I intend to board that over with more featherboard painted green to match the existing boards. The roof is also made of corrugated plastic and I’m thinking of replacing that with a multilayer polycarbonate sheet. Ventilation needs to be improved too. Although there’s lots of storage already in the workshop I’ll be adding some more drawers and shelves shortly. I’d like to get some more electric sockets put in place but thats dependant on how much is spent on the roof.

How did you find out about our community?

When I first started doing up the shed last January, my father sent me a link to some fancy french sheds. I think that was over on Shedworking which then in turn led me to ShedBlog.

What word would you use to sum up Sheds


If you are a sheddie that goes that bit further to spread the shed word would like to be featured with your shed in the My sheddie section then please contact me.

By Andrew Wilcox

I love sheds Founder & judge of Shed of the year - Wilco writes mainly about sheds. About the blog Enter your shed into #shedoftheyear

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