Shed of the year 2011 get’s mention from the Beeny on SFTW

Sunday morning BBC cooking/chat/TV Something for the Weekend not only had James Blunt being funny(yes) with his mention of certain things that happen at public school, I wonder if Blunty has a Pub Shed?

It also had Shed of the year Judge Sarah Beeny, talk about her new show and major project & speaking about Shed of the year 2011 and they showed a picture of Last years Winner Reg and his lady Sarah shed, also yours truly got a mention as well – which was nice – but Iam sure it made me sound a bit like a online nutter obsessed with sheds (oh wait)

So Share your Shed NOW and it could be Shed of the year 2011

Some news about a big cash prize from a big name sponsor and things all sheddies need – coming soon!

By Andrew Wilcox

I love sheds Founder & judge of Shed of the year - Wilco writes mainly about sheds. About the blog Enter your shed into #shedoftheyear

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