Brrrrrr what you need is, someone knitting stuff in their shed

Not only Iam rubbish at DIY, I can’t knit or crochet or other crafty stuff… and with this cold weather I could really do with some Shed socks a bit like these TARDIS socks I saw the other week.

anyway while I dream a dream that will never come true here are some great craft sheds.

The Knitting Shed

The Knitting Shed - Maggi
In the meadow in Brittany

The Knitted Shed

The Knitted Shed - Jane Earnshaw - I Love West Leeds Festival
Jane Earnshaw – I Love West Leeds Festival

The wool shed

The wool shed - Betty
Angus Scotland

Junkaholic’s weaving + sewing shed

Junkaholic's weaving + sewing shed - Artemis Russell
Artemis Russell
South East London

Sarah’s Craft Shed & My Workshop / Escape Shed…

Sarah's Craft Shed & My Workshop / Escape Shed... - Russ
Somerset UK

Sandy’s Craft Shed

Sandy's Craft Shed - Sandy J
Sandy J
By the river in Sleepy Suffolk

So if you know any crafty sheddies get them to share their shed over at

By Andrew Wilcox

I love sheds Founder & judge of Shed of the year - Wilco writes mainly about sheds. About the blog Enter your shed into #shedoftheyear

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