A great looking shed : Head Weeders Office

It’s great to see a shed being completed and the photos updated on readersheds.co.uk 🙂 – as the sheddie Frotter says

“I just realised that i never got around to posting the pics of the finished beast. Just stuck a few final ones on the end for completeness, inc an up to date one of the ‘mature’ Headweeders Office complete with flowering mayhem from June 2010. I only made basic scale drawings of how i wanted it to look and roughly worked out materials needed from those. Then pretty much just made it up as i went along, pondering issues as they came up. Turned out pretty well though I reckon! The comedy creosote ‘shingles’ have lasted 4 winters so far (with a couple of extra slurpings of the brown filth..) a lot of them are peeling and gradually shedding layers of ply but no leaks from them yet…. Have had water getting driven in by the wind on the exposed end wall – not dealt with it properly yet. Something to look forward to. ;-)”

Categorized as Shed News

By Andrew Wilcox

I love sheds Founder & judge of Shed of the year - Wilco writes mainly about sheds. About the blog Enter your shed into #shedoftheyear

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