The final categories for Shed of the year 2011 are …

The Cuprinol Wood Preservation Society

Right, If you have not shared your shed for Shed of the 2011 (of course sponsored by Cuprinol Wood Preservation Society!), now is the right time.

The final categories are

Normal Shed
Eco Shed
Garden Office
Pub Shed
Unique Shed

Hopefully Your shed should be able to fit into one of those genres.

As the number of Huts was dwindling I have removed that category – and no one really could compete with the Huts of Bletchley Park 🙂 but the good news is you can still tell people that yours is your own little Beach Hut in your Garden using the new feature SHEDTAGS

(ok the inetrwebs have been using them for years, so about time we joined the 21st century)

When you add/edit your shed – it will allow you to add some keywords that describe your shed.

E.g on my shed I have Wilco, HQ as my tags – this will allow  readers of sheds to search for similar sheds within the site.

I will be creating a SHEDCLOUD once we have a good few tags in there, so people will be able to find your shed using popular TERMS

Such as Eco, Damp, Posh, Hut, Beach, Design etc.

Remember that when you add your shed or add more than two photos to an existing shed, then you get entered for Shed of the year 2011 and have a chance to win £1000 and some great Cuprinol goodies.

By Andrew Wilcox

I love sheds Founder & judge of Shed of the year - Wilco writes mainly about sheds. About the blog Enter your shed into #shedoftheyear


  1. I built an amazing shed/cabin 2 weeks ago, will try and get some images for you. It is for some artists for an exhibition at an arts complex called Arts Depot in North Finchley, London. Its a temporary shed/house structure built in a gallery and is based on an existing (but dilapidated) house in Canada. The exhibition is on for 2 months (until 27th Feb) then tours to Nottingham and Eastbourne later in the year. Will be good to get some images for Shedblog!!! Its big though… 4m x 5.5m x 5.2m tall… pitched roof, dormer window and everything!!!

  2. Maybe, just maybe it will be my year!!!!!!! Fort Cox came close, but a name change along with a change of purpose might get me there!!!!!! Go MODEL GARDENERS!!!!!! hehehe

    I like the Shedcloud idea though Wilco, and the tags. Good stuff!

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