So long and thanks for all the sheds….

Copyright All rights reserved by Carl Sturgess
Copyright All rights reserved by Carl Sturgess

No I am not locking the shed door for the last time and dissipating from the shedspace (shame I hear some of you say)

When I first saw this shed on Flickr it was title Douglas Adams’ Shed that grabbed me, then of course the great shed.

It got me wondering & searching the web, I did not know that “Douglas Adams” had a shed, of course contacting the photographer Carl – he explained the errors of my thinking.

Although my grandfather was indeed Douglas Adams, he was not THE Douglas Adams of the Hitchhikers Guild To The Galaxy and many other great written works.

My grandfather Douglas however was an engineer and designer and worked his whole life in this shed.

It’s a wonderful looking shed – in fact one of the most perfect workshop sheds I have seen for a while – everything in it’s place but with a personality of a great sheddie- summing up the shed I wanted when I started all those years ago – and I have never achieved.

Thanks for Carl for allowing me to Share his grandfathers shed with you and I hope it inspires other sheddies to get down the shed and make something.

By Andrew Wilcox

I love sheds Founder & judge of Shed of the year - Wilco writes mainly about sheds. About the blog Enter your shed into #shedoftheyear


    1. This was my Uncle's shed – a fascinating place with all kinds of moving gadgets and secret buttons that did amazing things! Tools bleeped and machinery moved across into place as if by magic! I'm so glad Carl took these pictures. Doug created some masterpieces in that shed and designed machinery for disabled people to improve their quality of life. Doug usually wore a bow tie and was the enchanting, funny, kindest inventor ever.

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