Who do you follow on twitter if you are after the latest on sheds ? @shedworking or me ;)

Well according to Twitter themselves – It’s me ! if you use the subject search on twitter for sheds or shed

With some surprise – Iam top of the list – followed by nice boy of sheds Alex then the sheddies come fast and furious including lady sheddie & designer Nicola from In the Shed, Andy (he who is handy) from Workshop shed and the discoShed lot – who are down with the kids.


but I assume it’s not about the quality of my tweets – it must be the number of times I can get shed into my twitter profile 😉

anyway follow the rest of them as well – most talk more sense than me oh yes and Alex can spell and use grammer as well.. +

By Andrew Wilcox

I love sheds Founder & judge of Shed of the year - Wilco writes mainly about sheds. About the blog Enter your shed into #shedoftheyear


  1. Well there you go how interesting! Nice bit of research there Wilko! Hows Alex feeling coming 2nd?

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