So you want an Official Shed of the year book? Help make the dream come true

Vote for ME!

As you know I have wanted to create my own photo odyssey to the sheddies since I started Shed of the year – but going round the country highlighting all the great sheds is not cheap.

But the excellant Enterprise nation is having a competition where people can apply to get free cash for a small business project.

Vote for ME!

I have asked for cash so I can travel the country visiting various sheddies and take some photos of their great sheds to be included in the potential ebook (and hard copy if popular)

The working title I would like to start with is “Definitive Guide to Britain’s Sheds & Sheddies” – so a small task you can see!

Of course I could ask you sheddies to send me photos of your sheds or just grab them from, but I want to visit you, see what inspires you, take arty Black & White photos of you and your shed and drink your tea (maybe the odd custard cream).. so are you up for it? YES.

Of course shed judges Alex and Gordon are both well respected published authors in the shed world, but who says that a rank amateur like myself can’t give it a go.

You can vote for me to win the funding here, I only need 400 votes to get the funding! so no pressure then – yes it’s a big ask but you the sheddies of the best community on the interweb can make it happen!

You need to be a member of enterprise nation to vote – but it’s free but they are a great friendly community if you are thinking about starting out on your own.

As an aside If you are a shed company who would like to take out tasteful adverts in this future shed E-tome that will hopefully say so much about the state of the shedosphere then contact me and we can talk.

By Andrew Wilcox

I love sheds Founder & judge of Shed of the year - Wilco writes mainly about sheds. About the blog Enter your shed into #shedoftheyear

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