Ten amazing photos of sheds : may include some on the wonk

Here is a roundup of Some of great photos added to our Flickr Just Sheds group this last month or so

I love to see photos on the wonk or a Jaunty angle and especially sheds

If you have any photos to cheer me up in this dark/wet/cold/shedless UK winter then please add them to the group.

Of course it’s called Just Sheds but it’s much much more than that – it’s sheds with character and hopefully some of them will make it on readersheds.co.uk for Shed of the year – If I have anything to do about it 🙂

Click on the Photos to see them in all their wood based glory.

It's out there!

It’s out there! by Tony Cornish

Things Happen

Things Happen by CJHurst

bembridge beach huts

bembridge beach huts by gallyslave

Out Of Order

Out Of Order by Merricks Photos

My Garden Shed IR

My Garden Shed IR by Mikec77

Dungeness in colour

Dungeness in colour by Whipper_snapper

 Hoopers Inlet - Otago

Hoopers Inlet – Otago by kiwigran

Shed by hotspring HDR

Shed by hotspring HDR by Gadget_Guru

Nebraska Color

Nebraska Color by Merricks Photos

HDR Shed

HDR Shed by Adam C. Smith Photography

I think 2012 is going to be a bumper year for shed photography, not only Iam a saving up for a Wide angle lens so I will be taking hundreds (so tidy your shed) 😉 but people are really seeing them as great pieces of architecture and not just bits of wood knocked together on an allotment… finally people are coming round to our way of thinking.

By Andrew Wilcox

I love sheds Founder & judge of Shed of the year - Wilco writes mainly about sheds. About the blog Enter your shed into #shedoftheyear

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