My sheddie : Elena Thomas and Dan Whitehouse

Our first My sheddie of 2012 and a friend of readerheds and shedblog – I have been awar of Elena every since she asked me way back in 2009 if I know anyone who wanted their shed covered in fabric – how could I say no!

Sheddies name

Elena Thomas and Dan Whitehouse

Shed name

Song Shed

Song Shed - Elena Thomas (and Dan Whitehouse)

Selfbuild or off the shelf shed?

We designed the shed, which was built to our specifications, but we adapted it so that it could be taken apart and put together easily.

Why have you got a shed? uses etc

We use it for performances, it has travelled around the midlands and people sing in it. When it’s not on tour it pretends to be a normal garden shed. But recently, it has become a she… I think it’s the lace trim that did it.

How would you describe your shed?

She is lovely! She is covered in strips of vintage furnishing fabric and lace on the outside, and strips of denim from old jeans on the inside. Her front doors open wide and she welcomes everyone in.

Who are your Shed inspirations

I like sheds that have a purpose, other than the usual garden store, sheds that have had time spent on them, and thought. Decorative AND useful.

Future Shed plans

We’ve already booked the shed in for Life and other Art 2012 in Stourbridge, where she will be doing sterling service again as a mobile performance space. A wide variety of singer/songwriters from around the midlands will be singing in her over the whole weekend of July 14th and 15th.

How did you find out about our community

When I was looking for willing people to let me cover their sheds in fabric. I started in my garden, did a few in other people’s, then did a couple on an allotment in Newcastle-under-Lyme. Dan and I then got together to design the Song Shed, initially for him to perform in, but now all sorts of friends have joined in!

What word would you use to sum up Sheds



If you would like to feature in My Sheddie then please fill in this Q & A

By Andrew Wilcox

I love sheds Founder & judge of Shed of the year - Wilco writes mainly about sheds. About the blog Enter your shed into #shedoftheyear

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