My Sheddie : Hilary and Huttli from North Wales

As it’s just over 4 months until shed week (DON’T PANIC) OK panic – quick give your shed a good clean and a lick of cuprinol and Share it over at readersheds for the Shed of the year competition 🙂

I thought I would start up  my sheddie Q & A again -so expect a few between now and shedweek – so you can get an insight into the sheddie behind the shed.

Here is the first one and as it’s St David’s day – this shed is in North Wales.

Sheddies name


Shed name


Huttli - Hilary


Selfbuild or off the shelf shed?

Built for us to our design by D & P Marchant, a small family business from Caernarfon.

Why have you got a shed? uses etc

To take in the best views from up above the house in the trees. A place for my favourite hobbies which are knitting and crochet.

How would you describe your shed?

A cosy retreat in winter or a lovely place to take in the sun on the deck in the summer.

Who are your Shed inspirations

My inspiration came from looking at the garden sheds of most chalets in Switzerland. They all seem to have one and they call them “Huttli” hence the name.

Future Shed plans

None, I just love the one I’ve got.

How did you find out about our community

Daily Telegraph article.

What word would you use to sum up Sheds



Side view

Interior day

Interior night

View out


If you would like to feature in My Sheddie then please fill in this Q & A

By Andrew Wilcox

I love sheds Founder & judge of Shed of the year - Wilco writes mainly about sheds. About the blog Enter your shed into #shedoftheyear

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