Sheddie Simon Kirby of the The Plot Thickens allotment campaign

Long time sheddie and friend of readersheds, Simon Kirkby is having some issues with the local council and his allotment – anyone had similar problenms?

The Plot thickens

I’ve had an allotment at Wash Common in Newbury for sixteen years and have been in dispute with the Town Council for more than two years now. As Chair of the Allotment Society I raised a problem with them over the fairness of the rent review term in the tenancy agreement but they wouldn’t discuss it. In 2010 they put our rents up 47% and as they still wouldn’t discuss the problem I reported it to Trading Standards who upheld my complaint and the Town Council had to change the tenancy agreement.

They want to evict me for demanding allotment self-management and getting Trading Standards in to sort out their unfair tenancy agreement. It’s kind of unthinkable that I could lose my allotment and shed, but if I can’t drum up some support that’ll happen spring 2012. Please feel free to support my Facebook campaign

By Andrew Wilcox

I love sheds Founder & judge of Shed of the year - Wilco writes mainly about sheds. About the blog Enter your shed into #shedoftheyear

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