My Sheddie : Anne Buckley – The Love Shack

Sheddies name

Anne Buckley

Shed name

The Love Shack

Anne Buckley


Selfbuild or off the shelf shed?

It was built by a builder friend called Lee, who designed it to replace a pre historic shed, which must have been 30 years old. My husband helped Lee to dismantle the old shed and a piece of wood with two nails in it, hit my husband on the head and the nails stuck into his scalp. He has never been the same since! He is very accident prone! Also there is a shed part on the side for all the gardening stuff and we used our old stable door.

Why have you got a shed? uses etc

“It was to replace the old shed. I also wanted a place to paint in.
Infact I do most things in there. Write, think, design, drink, create, listen to music, have dinner parties (just for 6). I have also utilized a lot of old furniture, painted it up and made cushions in red and white gingham to give it a cosy, country look. This is a favourite place to have sundowners.”

How would you describe your shed?

A nest in the midst of the garden enabling me to hear all the birds and be part of nature. Giving me inspiration to paint. It is a haven to get away from every day problems. I love the smell of a shed, I used to play house in my Nana’s when I was a little girl. It is very nostalgic. My shed is cosy and cute.


Who are your Shed inspirations

“Just pictures I had seen in magazines, my brother has one now. I think it is the modern trend, also practical for all sorts of uses.
I think my shed has inspired others.”

Future Shed plans

I would love to add on in the same style as the shed, an outside loo and shower room, plus a log holder, carrying on down the side of the house.

How did you find out about our community

Through the Telegraph newspaper.

What word or words would you use to sum up Sheds

A glorious retreat for everyone.



If you would like to feature in My Sheddie then please fill in this Q & A

If you think you have a shed that can compete with this in the Shed of the year competition then why not share it over at and you could be in the running for the £1000 prize from Cuprinol and your shed could have the title of Shed of the year 2012 🙂

By Andrew Wilcox

I love sheds Founder & judge of Shed of the year - Wilco writes mainly about sheds. About the blog Enter your shed into #shedoftheyear

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