Closing date for Shed of the year 2012 is Sunday 20th may (add yours now) and I can see the sheddies are thinking of unique ways to show off their sheds.
Sheddie and friend of readersheds Elena Thomas (you may remember she covered a shed in fabric many moons ago.)
Asked me if she could add this large photo to her shed page – due to my lack of foresight (back in 2001) in designing readersheds – it does not look that right – 2013 will be rebuilt from the bottom up and be refelted (I promise)
So I have converted it into panormaic using the clever free software
Panorama of Elena Thomas on
it’s in flash so if you are using an ipad/fone you wont see it sorry , and You need to zoom out first 🙂
But if any other sheddies have large sweeping photos of their sheds or videos of your sheds then let me know I will highlight them in the run up to Shed Week..
or are you running a website or facebook page to get those votes in? contact me.
Thanks Wilco! who knew a 4’x6′ shed could look so majestic!