My Sheddie: Lynne Garner The Hedgehog Shed

Last year we had the wonderful charity Mary’s Meals added to readersheds and they made it to the final – this year a charity shed who deals with those little creatures you may find under your shed – Hedgehogs have added their shed

Sheddies name

Lynne Garner

Shed name

The Hedgehog Shed

Back Garden, Hertfordshire

Selfbuild or off the shelf shed?

Our simple 6′ x 8′ shed is off the shelf.

Why have you got a shed? uses etc

The Hedgehog Shed is HQ to a small group of volunteers who run Herts Hogline, which is an award winning hedgehog rescue service based in Hertfordshire. We have a blog called ‘The Hedgehog Shed‘  so supporters can keep up-to-date with our hoggie news.

It can house 12 hedgehogs comfortably in purpose built hutches (made from reclaimed timber). The interior is fully lined so it can be heated during the winter months. This allows us to over winter hedgehogs that are too small to hibernate. They are then released when spring arrives. We also have a fan for the summer to ensure the shed does not become too hot whilst the spring/summer orphans are hand reared.

Two of the hutches have heat pads so we can care for hoglets who are orphaned and for very sick or badly injured hedgehogs

How would you describe your shed?

A vital link in the chain. Without it Herts Hogline would not be able to care for the 60+ hedgehogs that pass through it’s doors on average per year.

Could also be described as small, compact and sometimes very smelly!

Who are your Shed inspirations

St Tiggy Winkles and all those other wildlife care centres dotted around the UK

Future Shed plans

The exterior needs to be repainted – it was done a number of years ago and is looking very tired. Would also love to put down lino to make cleaning the floor easier. The door also lets in a huge draft during the winter, so fixing that some how would be great.

How did you find out about our community

Heard about it on the BBC breakfast news.

What word or words would you use to sum up Sheds

Sensational, Super and Splendid

BTW did you know it was National HEDGEHOG AWARENESS WEEK? – they have weeks for all sorts now 😉

If you would like to feature in My Sheddie then please fill in this Q & A

If you think you have a shed that can compete with this in the Shed of the year competition then why not share it over at and you could be in the running for the £1000 prize from Cuprinol and your shed could have the title of Shed of the year 2012 🙂

By Andrew Wilcox

I love sheds Founder & judge of Shed of the year - Wilco writes mainly about sheds. About the blog Enter your shed into #shedoftheyear

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