Shed of the year Stats : What the heck do sheddies call their sheds?

Now that the entry is closed for this years Shed of the year – I thought I would look at some basic numbers..

What do you think the most popular shed names are for those sheddies who have shared their sheds with us for Shed of the year 2012?

It wont surprise you that it’s “The Shed” with a total of 37 sheds with that exact name (ignoring case), then it’s a big gap with “Shed” then “The Beach Hut” – but it does go to prove that some sheddies think more about what goes in their unique space than the name 😉 of course the majority of you give your shed a very unique name.

Anyway here is a graph… I have excluded all the data that only has one unique shed name as that would make a massive graph so just show the popular names you lot give your sheds. I have not cleaned up the data so “shed”, “Shed” are both there.

Popular shed names

The Sex of a sheddie

A few years back when I started to ask for the Sex of the owner of the shed so that I can get some stats on blokes and ladies sheddis. I added a term called “Bishedual” meaning both Male and Female shed owners – I don’t anymore as you can see it’s soured the stats


anyway if there are any more stats you are after then Contact me – Location is the next one – but need to clean up the data.. as so many different variations on back garden 😉

By Andrew Wilcox

I love sheds Founder & judge of Shed of the year - Wilco writes mainly about sheds. About the blog Enter your shed into #shedoftheyear

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