Some nice press coverage of sheddies for Shed of the year – including a cartoon

3 steps bar - Ayrshire post - click for bigger

The local press love the sheddies and why would they not! – and hopefully with Voting ending this Saturday they will pick up on the category winners when I announce those very soon.

Garry from the 3 Steps Bar has sent me a few snippets from his local papers including this great cartoon from the Ayrshire post

3 steps bar – Ayrshire post – click for bigger

The plum tree arms have been getting some nice mentions – this in the Yorkshire post

Syd of the Stencil Shed has a press page presented in his own unique way

Nationally The guardian also has got in on the shed act with their image gallery of their favourite sheds – some different ones in there.

If you see any sheddies of Shed of the year mentioned in any papers then contact me 🙂

By Andrew Wilcox

I love sheds Founder & judge of Shed of the year - Wilco writes mainly about sheds. About the blog Enter your shed into #shedoftheyear


  1. Best of luck Syd. You really got the community involved in shed awareness. The last week of Elmo hunting was great fun for young & old.

  2. The stencil shed! Syd creates amazing and unique Art, he has done a fantastic Job bringing the community together! Syd has put a lot of his time and effort into this, everywhere you go The stencil shed is the topic of conversation. Good luck we hope you win, you deserve it.

  3. The stencil shed! Syd has amazing & unique art. He has done a fantastic job bringing the community together. Everywhere you go the stencil shed is the topic of conversation. Well done Syd we hope you win you deserve it, you have put a lot of time and effort into this.

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