International Talk Like A Pirate Day – September 19 2012 – Sheddies do it their way

The Queen Emma - Galleon

Of course in the past when International Talk Like A Pirate Day happened there would be only one sheddie we would need to turn to, the scurvy sea dog – Captain Reg Miller of the Lady Sarah out of Worthing

Shed of the Year Winner 2010 Reg Miller & Lady Sarah

but this year Reg has some competition on the high seas me thinks.



Clare Kapma

The Queen Emma is modelled on HMS Victory and HMS Warrior in Portmouth.

It has a top deck, rigging and flys the Union Flag and of course the Skull and Cross Bones.

There is plenty of storage, with a hammock and captains quarters.

It’s a very unique garden building not your Normal Shed but it is used for storage of bikes so some traditionalist will be happy 🙂

By Andrew Wilcox

I love sheds Founder & judge of Shed of the year - Wilco writes mainly about sheds. About the blog Enter your shed into #shedoftheyear


  1. International Talk Like A Pirate Day shared a link.
    International Talk Like a Pirate Day 2012: Free donuts and pirate events, matey http://www.examiner.comAhoy,
    matey. September 19 is International Talk Like a Pirate Day, also
    known as Talk Like a Pirate Day. Talk Like a Pirate Day It all started
    when John Baur
    Reg Miller via International Talk Like A Pirate Day Like · · 17 hours ago · OptionsInternational Talk Like A Pirate Day Just in case ye hadn’t yet heard … · · 42722488 · 18 hours ago ·

  2. Arrrrrrrrr. The Captain and crew of the Lady Sarah sends their respects to the Queen Emma. Happy to see another fine vessel afloat on the Sheddie Sea.Ye all be welcome to share and enjoy International Talk Like a Pirate Day – launched in the USA by Captain Slappy and Chumbucket the Pirate to raise money for charity. We’re all pleased to see its crossed that big lump of water for ye lubbers to enjoy! Good luck to the Queen Emma and all who sail in her!

    For anyone who’s interested, search on Facebook for Talk Like a Pirate Day.

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