With all the shed of the year joy – read about one sheddies devastating shed news

With all the great news about Shed of the year in all the papers this week – one sheddie Jake emailed me to say that he wished he had entered the competition but thanks to some idiots his shed dream is over.

Here is Jake’s and Brigadoon story

“This is our lovely shed which was destroyed by Brighton vandals before we even got a chance to enjoy her for one summer.

We have posthumously christened her “Brigadoon” as we can’t quite believe she has vanished almost as soon as she appeared, and like Brigadoon of legend, as part of our allotment she was a charming escape space where anything seemed possible.

Our shed was mostly made of timber. We used reclaimed materials when found, but as I’m sure most sheddies will appreciate, the build costs did spiral out of control a little, although it all seemed a worthwhile investment at the time.

We started the build in October 2012, and worked pretty tirelessly through the Winter to get her ready for Spring and bringing on our crops for this year’s planting.

Sadly, pretty much as soon as we started the project and had something tangible on site we became the victims of various thefts, acts of vandalism, criminal damage, and general anti-social behaviour.

Having reported eight such incidents to Sussex Police and Brighton & Hove Council we were hopeful that something would be done to improve site security and perhaps apprehend the perpetrators. Unfortunately our reports weren’t taken seriously, and we were met with a stonewall of indifference. Our aim with the project was always to build something of quality that would be safe and withstand the elements, whilst also being aesthetically pleasing and an asset to the community site.

A shed that would support our attempts to be self-sufficent and low impact with our food consumption and provide a much needed space for shelter, storage, potting on and growing under glass.

I would like to appeal to anyone who may have any information about these crimes, in particular the arson on 3 June 2013, to contact Sussex Police and pass on any details that may be helpful quoting Crime Ref: 47130019795.

Many Thanks, I hope you enjoy the pictures and that a similar fate doesn’t befall any of your own fantastic constructions.”

By Andrew Wilcox

I love sheds Founder & judge of Shed of the year - Wilco writes mainly about sheds. About the blog Enter your shed into #shedoftheyear


  1. Am horrified at your loss. Shed people put so much time, energy, money and part of themselves into their projects that non shed people would not appreciate the destruction of your dreams. After 20 years of building and development in my shed I am ashamed to admit that your situation brought a tear to my eye and I am not an emotional person!

    Thinking of you

    PS I worry about fire in my shed all the time because of all the mains voltage I am switching all over the house the garden. I have over designed in many circuit breakers to protect against fire. Not able to design against vandals.

  2. This is awful, im so sorry for you, the ones that did this want horse whipped in the street id be spitting nails if it happened to my shed

  3. That’s very sad news, it’s such a shame when effort and hard work are set back by vandalism. Hope that you feel up to having another try soon.

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