Episode Three – Final: Normal and Pub Sheds

So the twelve odd years since I started readersheds.co.uk proper and my passion for sheds has finally come to it’s pinnacle where the British public now sees what I have always know as Brits We love sheds.

As the competition to find Britain’s best shed reaches its climax, George Clarke and his fellow judges look at the final groups of shortlisted sheds battling it out for a place in the grand final.

The ‘Normal’ sheds prove anything but, with one of the smallest discos in the world up against a Dad’s Army themed shed complete with air raid siren, as well as a 1970s amusement park in a shed with a 12-foot working Ferris wheel outside.

The judges cast their eyes over the most pleasurable category in the competition, the Pub Shed, before they decide which of them most deserves the overall prize of Shed of the Year 2014.

George also visits last year’s winner: an upside down boat shed.

Episode 1 Recap
Episode 2 Recap

By Andrew Wilcox

I love sheds Founder & judge of Shed of the year - Wilco writes mainly about sheds. About the blog Enter your shed into #shedoftheyear

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