If Laura and Max can build a thrifty shed – so can you!

Shed of the year judges take inspiration from the final of shed of the year to have a go themselves and design and build a shed.

So, during the filming of the final of Shed of the Year, Max, Will and I were sitting in the SOTY Winnebago feeling pretty shed happy and fueled with caffeine, we thought it would be a brilliant idea to build our own shed for the Festival of Thrift later on that year. Sadly Will couldn’t make the date, but Max and I quickly realised it would be a hilarious way to put our shed chat into practice.

We obviously wanted to do something super thrifty so after several bonkers ideas that sadly wouldn’t work due to several things – mainly gravity, we came up with a plan.

shed drawings and envelope

With an architect and a industrial designer – what could possibly go wrong?!

I wanted to build something that didn’t resemble the scavenged materials or objects that it was made from, so Max came up with the concept of using old paint tins to create artichoke feathered tile cladding and I got a little carried away about making structural glulam beams from scraps of pallet wood. With a little skepticism from Max, we went on our merry way.

collecting pallets

The shed had to be very low cost and also expandable so someone could take the concept and either build it exactly or use it the basic design and make it their own, tailored to their garden or space.

the shed build loosing the will to live

You can read more about the shed build over at Laura’s Blog here

By Andrew Wilcox

I love sheds Founder & judge of Shed of the year - Wilco writes mainly about sheds. About the blog Enter your shed into #shedoftheyear

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