Q & A with Shed of the year 2015 Winner Walter Micklethwait of Inshriach Distillery

What an amazing winning shed Inshriach Distillery is – yes it’s big but what an inspiration for all sheddies to aspire to do something similar even in a smaller space (Lamb not included)

Here is a brief Q & A with owner Walter Micklethwait

Q) So you have won Shed of the year 2015 – what does it feel like

It is an absolute honour to have won shed of the year. we were up against some proper craftsmen, brilliant eccentrics and most of all a really nice bunch of people. It came down the pubic vote so huge thanks to everybody who voted for us, now we are off for a gin.

Q) What inspired you to build your shed.

The sheds needed rescuing before they collapsed completely but we had no idea what to do with them. We always planned on a shop and maybe a wood working studio, then the parquet floor turned up, then we found the glass doors and the bar and a surfeit of pianos, then we were given a railway station, then we got into making gin, and thats how the character of the place emerged.

Q) What was the most difficult aspect of the build and how did you overcome it

Deadlines. Every time someone wanted to photograph it or film it we ended up working into the night to finish a room, hang pictures, find plants, fit wiring, finish bits of panelling and so on.

Q) What one bit of advice would you give to sheddies when they start out on their build

it depends on the type of shed you are building, in our case plan nothing, gather loads of junk and do something that makes you (and hopefully others) laugh.

Q) Apart from the Dash the lamb what is the most important item in your shed

The stills for making Crossbill, they have turned the shed into both a business and a wild west moonshine joint in one go.

Q) What are your plans for the shed in the future

We are running some music events this summer that will use the bar, including a gin festival, and we are already making a load more stuff to sell in the shop. The building itself and the farmyard will keep evolving for decades.

Q) You will be a judge for Shed of the year 2016 – what will you belooking for in a winner?

Humour, imagination, style, workmanship, stretching the definition of the word shed to new levels.

IF you think you have a shed worthy of Shed of the year why not enter your shed now.

By Andrew Wilcox

I love sheds Founder & judge of Shed of the year - Wilco writes mainly about sheds. About the blog Enter your shed into #shedoftheyear

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