My Sheddie : Stephen Davies from Team UnLimbited

You may have seen Stephen and his shed on the Amazing Spaces shed of the year, the other week winning his category- there was a great response on social media – so I thought I would do a brief Q & A – thus bringing back the My Sheddie Segment.

Sheddies name

Stephen Davies

Shed name

Team UnLimbited

Selfbuild or off the shelf shed?

Off the shelf

Why have you got a shed? uses etc

To accommodate all the 3d printers, computers, tools and materials to build 3D hand and arms for children for free.

How would you describe your shed?

Ordinary on the outside, Hi-Tech on the inside!

Who are your shed inspirations?

I love the Southwold Glass hut. Such an inspirational moving story.

Future Shed plans

We are looking to upsize, as at present I am even unable to sit down. We want to add more printers to help more children.

Anything else?

There is no better place to work than in my shed. I can do what needs to be done and still be close to my children and wife.

What word would you use to sum up Sheds

Cozy, friendly, useful, essential, inspirational, flexible and UnLimbited!

Follow Stephen on Twitter, or donate to help them continue their great work.

If you want to feature in the My sheddie section then please contact me.

By Andrew Wilcox

I love sheds Founder & judge of Shed of the year - Wilco writes mainly about sheds. About the blog Enter your shed into #shedoftheyear


      1. Ah yes, I see it on the roof as well and just spotted the extractor fan duct too. I find my printer even though it has a enclosed bed can be sensitive to draughts when printing some materials.

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