Planning issue for artist’s shed – Povera

Povera, Workshop & Studio

It’s always difficult to get emails from sheddies about the local planning authorities and the issues they are having with their sheds.

This is a recent one from Sheddie Michael – about his shed Povera, which was a finalist in Shed of the year 2016.

Povera is a shed, art and fashion space in Catford, South London. It is a large installation built by Michael Connell, housing his stunning portfolio of artwork spanning the last 30 years. It is created entirely out of recycled and waste materials.

Michael Writes

“I have had a shed in the back garden for 20 years or so made from recycled material. My shed is built around two trees in the back garden and as I am into nature I have put trellises on the trees and it forms part of the whole structure of what I am creating. My new neighbour has complained to the council saying that the trellis is a detriment to his family and basically it has become an ongoing situation and the council have given me until end of January to remove the trellis otherwise I will be subjected to an Enforcement Order and could end up losing my whole shed.

The council are now referring to my shed as an unauthorised structure but when I refurbished it 6 years ago they came around to check the structure and had no issues with it.”

Michael – is artistic and creative that’s what sheddies are very good at … so will leave it with his words

My work portrays the inspiration i get from Nature and my surroundings.The work is a fusion of Nature and Art. Povera is an ongoing project ,consisting of the use of waste products from skips and other people’s unwanted items.This ever-evolving work incorporates the shed (Povera) and makes the garden the canvas to display Povera in its entirety.while some may appreciate the outside,others will look at Povera from within.This is my way of showing appreciation for Nature by reusing old materials and repurposing it to make something original and unique.Povera is Art within Art

View a video of Michael working on his shed.

of course we can’t comment on individual cases just letting you know the problems of one sheddie.

We want to hear from other sheddies and how planning problems have affected them and how they have solved them


Categorized as Shed News

By Andrew Wilcox

I love sheds Founder & judge of Shed of the year - Wilco writes mainly about sheds. About the blog Enter your shed into #shedoftheyear

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