The 2019 Shed of the year winner is medieval reenactor and into steampunk in his shed

WE are loving this years Shed of the year winner Bux end, but I wanted to know a bit more about Chris the man behind his Lord of the rings Hobbit inspired winning shed.

Shed name

Bux End

Self Build or off the shelf shed?

Self Build

Why have you got your shed

Chris Hield

I am a medieval reenactor and steampunker.

Both of these hobbies require lots of unique creations.

I love having a go at making anything, so decided to build a shed as somewhere I could go and make armour, maille and leatherwork without cluttering up the house.


How would you describe your shed?

A Hobbit Hole

Who are your shed inspirations?

After watching all previous “Shed of the Year” shows there are too many to mention. People are so creative and your own back garden is a great place to let your creativity run wild.

Future Shed plans

My wife has a summer house which we built out of pallets before we dug the hobbit hole. After all the attention Bux End has got, she now wants an upgrade!!!

What word or words would you use to sum up Sheds
Unique creations, dreamt up by imaginative enthusiasts

Photos of the Shed build

By Andrew Wilcox

I love sheds Founder & judge of Shed of the year - Wilco writes mainly about sheds. About the blog Enter your shed into #shedoftheyear

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