I have posted about HDR sheds before, but here are some great news ones added to our Just Sheds Group on Flickr.
Results for "HDR Flickr"
Just Sheds HDR Photography
Some great HDR photos of sheds on our Flickr Group.
Just Sheds – Which is your favourite from our Flickr group?
I spent yesterday afternoon going through our Just Sheds Flickr group to find a photo that summed up #Shedweek but could not pick one photo, so here are five and its up to you! please vote. The Winner will get a Flickr Pro account/or extension to their pro account (or £15 quid from me) [poll… Continue reading Just Sheds – Which is your favourite from our Flickr group?
Just Sheds : HDR sheds
HDR sheds what are they you shout?, well according to Wikipedia it’s In image processing, computer graphics, and photography, high dynamic range imaging (HDRI or just HDR) is a set of techniques that allows a greater dynamic range of luminances between light and dark areas of a scene than normal digital imaging techniques. The intention… Continue reading Just Sheds : HDR sheds
Shed Week : We have a winner for the Flickr photo comp
Jame’s wonderful Potting Shed HDR has won our Shed week photo comp. Taken in a place with no name A high dynamic range picture of a local Ravenglass potting shed – why photograph a potting shed, why not, it was there and seemed like a good idea at the time. With the increase in world… Continue reading Shed Week : We have a winner for the Flickr photo comp
Ten amazing photos of sheds : may include some on the wonk
Here is a roundup of Some of great photos added to our Flickr Just Sheds group this last month or so I love to see photos on the wonk or a Jaunty angle and especially sheds If you have any photos to cheer me up in this dark/wet/cold/shedless UK winter then please add them to… Continue reading Ten amazing photos of sheds : may include some on the wonk
Lock in : who says secure can’t be great looking!
A great selection of shed photos mainly of locks – some great arty shots but some that are just great locks! Some are from our Just Sheds Flickr group.
Just Sheds – Friday Mix & match
Some great sheds added to our Just Sheds Flickr Group.
Just Sheds: The wait is over the winner is …
The public voted(and his mates!) and now the winner of our Shed week 2009 Photo competition is Photo 5: Jules’ Shed Andrew Culture A great moody shot that sums up allotment shedism…. [flickr]photo:2690357454[/flickr] [poll id=”6″] Well done to Andrew, he also has a great set of other shed photos [flickr]set:72157611782811986[/flickr] If you have any interesting… Continue reading Just Sheds: The wait is over the winner is …
Shed Week: Shed Photo do we have a winner?
After many hours of wossname and pointing, I was going to announce the winner of our Flickr Shed Week photo competition today, but myself and Alex can’t decide which of these great shed photos should win. So it’s up to you the readers to vote… below. [flickr]photo:2633957567[/flickr] Potting Shed hdr by jamesroberts Taken in a… Continue reading Shed Week: Shed Photo do we have a winner?