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International Talk Like A Pirate Day – September 19 2012 – Sheddies do it their way

The Queen Emma - Galleon

Of course in the past when International Talk Like A Pirate Day happened there would be only one sheddie we would need to turn to, the scurvy sea dog – Captain Reg Miller of the Lady Sarah out of Worthing but this year Reg has some competition on the high seas me thinks.   THE QUEEN EMMA… Continue reading International Talk Like A Pirate Day – September 19 2012 – Sheddies do it their way

It’s not over until the big International Shed is announced

Shed week could not end without a post about the great sheds from all over the world, we have had a hundreds of sheds added from overseas and even though we don’t have an offical International Shed of the year (It would need a sponsor so I could give a prize) but it’s wonderfull to… Continue reading It’s not over until the big International Shed is announced

September 19th – International Talk Like A Pirate Day

ahhhh me sheddies it’s International Talk Like A Pirate Day. and who’s the best old sea dog to celebrate this fine day with, Captain Reg of the Lady Sarah, Shed of the year winner of course. anyway here be some lingo for you.

International Shed : The Vespiary, Missoula, Montana

A nice example of recycled old shed thats being used as a workshop from one of our every increasing international Sheddies. The Vespiary Audra Loyal Missoula, Montana, USA Workshop My shed was built over the course of summer 2009. Most of the materials came from the old existing shed, plus materials from Home Resource, a… Continue reading International Shed : The Vespiary, Missoula, Montana

Debb’s Shed for International Shed Women’s Week

Sheddie Deborah Carr has written this guest post about her introduction to shedism for International Women’s Week, many thanks to her and Grumpy. Until a couple of years ago I assumed that the only people who could possibly be interested in the inside of a shed would for some reason be male. When I announced… Continue reading Debb’s Shed for International Shed Women’s Week

Most popular posts on the shedblog 2009 – International Sheds & Lady sheds

photo credit: sam_churchill Well another one of those list posts – I used the WordPress Plugin Popularity Contest to get the list. Of course the hits are mainly down to you the sheddies popping in to read up on the “shed news” and wanting to know more about Shed Week and Shed of the year… Continue reading Most popular posts on the shedblog 2009 – International Sheds & Lady sheds