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Peter Bowles and Lisa Rogers & some monkey boots star in Punks not dad latest flexi disk

Peter Bowles in his shed

Former friends and offical band of Shed Week – Punks not dad have promised I can meet Lisa Rogers if I promote their latest relase – thankfully it contains sheds. Suave British Sitcom Legend Peter Bowles has sold his soul to punk by appearing in‘Monkey Boots’ the latest single and video by ageing anarchists Punks… Continue reading Peter Bowles and Lisa Rogers & some monkey boots star in Punks not dad latest flexi disk

Punks not Dad have left the shed and are now in bed with Lisa Rogers & can’t get it up

My middle aged punk friends and former Shed of the year song mongers PUNKS NOT DAD are proud to offer for your viewing pleasure the long awaited follow up to IN ME SHED… CAN’T GET IT UP! From our forthcoming ‘Retail Therapy’ EP Welcome to CAN’T GET IT UP – the latest cut price video… Continue reading Punks not Dad have left the shed and are now in bed with Lisa Rogers & can’t get it up

Everybody Wants To View … the Punks not Dad

Featured Shed News

Everyone’s favorite middle aged punk band Punks not dad with a shed leaning and of course the blokes who come up with the shed anthem & official song for shed week, that is “In Me Shed” may have hit the 14000000000000 (Fourteen thousand) views mark on youtube by the time you read this, if not… Continue reading Everybody Wants To View … the Punks not Dad

Buy “In Me Shed” and and get the Punks not dad in the charts

Featured Shed News

The official song for Shed week “In me Shed” from the wonderful Punks not Dad (on twitter) has been let out of the shed and you can buy it from various online shops as a MP3 download, amazon and Apple’s Itunes Here’s the Video but please buy the song as the dads say “it’ll be… Continue reading Buy “In Me Shed” and and get the Punks not dad in the charts